RegistrationRegulationsRegistration ListRouteObstaclesAwardsRankingPhoto

Going under the obstacle
– It assumes the competitor’s movement crawling under a wooden frame of 27 m in length and 60 cm in height. The obstacle is covered with a perforated plastic net.

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Passing over the obstacle
– It assumes the crossing of wooden hedges of different heights. There are 10 obstacles on the way, the highest (2) having 192 cm and the rest between 150 and 170 cm.

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Pulling a weight
– It consists in pulling a rubber, weighing approximately 7 kg with a strap. This test is met by contestants twice on the route: once on a distance of 60 m and the second one at 160 m.

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Lifting and transporting a weight
– It assumes the lifting of a log with an approximate weight of 7 kg (men) and 5 kg (women), and transporting it over a distance of 80 m (with a difference in level).


Rolling a weight
– It assumes the rolling of a truck rubber, weighing 16 kg, 7 times men and 4 times women two way.
Pulling a weight from standing position

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Pulling a weight from standing position
– It assumes pulling a truck tire, weighing approximately 16 kg, over a distance of 6 m.

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Running on tires
– It assumes the running of a distance, 60 m in length, through tires

Presupune alergarea unui distante ,cu lungimea de 60 m, cu cauciucuri